Education at BiS
At BiS we like to translate our knowledge and expertise into interesting, state-of-the-art educational activities and share our passion for research.
BiS is involved in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Engineering Sciences bachelor and master programs at TU/e. We teach and tutor both practical and theoretical courses mainly about applied cell biology in regenerative medicine and related fields.
8LC00 Applied Cell Biology course
Applied Cell Biology is a 3rd year level 3 course in which the student will study fibrosis as a clinical case and dive in its molecular cell biology. ACB is designed to bridge the theory of courses such as Molecular Cell Biology and Regeneration to the practical skills needed to design and perform experiments in the lab during the Bachelor End Project. Students will work on a fibrosis CBL case, design a fibrosis related experiment and will go into the lab to perform it, acquire images using a fluorescent microscope and analyze the data using CellProfiler software. An intense course in which students learn a lot.
8MM20 Practical course Cell biological techniques
This master level course is meant for those students who will perform experimental cell biological research during their master thesis, a year after completing this course. An intensive course with long days in the lab in which you will learn to do cell transfection, western blotting, qpCR, imaging and other techniques based on a pre-defined series of experiments. We have limited capacity because of the intense supervision, and we select based on a motivation letter.
Textbook Tissue Engineering
Jan de Boer is editor of the textbook Tissue Engineering, of which the third edition will be published this year. The book is written with undergraduate students in mind and covers both basic science (e.g. stem cell biology and materials science) as well as technological (rapid prototyping, microfabrication) and translational chapters (clinical translation, process development). Each chapter contains many educational tools for teachers such as a downloadable powerpoint with all figures, a Challenge Based Learning module for each chapter, a glossary and most importantly 21 state of the art chapters written by the experts in the field.
Master thesis
We consider master students as "one of us": you are member of the BiS group and participate in all the scientific and social activities that we organize. Master students work under direct supervision of a BiS postdoc or PhD student but perform an independent research project. Depending on your interest, the focus on your project will lean more towards cell biology, data mining or microfabrication but all projects are in line with the mission of our lab: unraveling and optimizing the interface between cells and biomaterials. Interested candidates are encouraged to read the research statements of the BiS group members to get a flavor of the possibilities.
Digital Twins in Health USE learning line in the bachelor college
Jan de Boer and Jorge Uquillas developed and coordinate the USE learning line Digital Twins in Health. The learning line Digital Twins in Healthcare (DTiH) introduces the concept of digital twin and how they can be used in the healthcare system. Digital twins in healthcare are digital representations of a clinical problem, based on clinical data gathered from a real patient using computational models. DTiH is a new, vibrant and pro-active USE learning line in which you will talk to real patients and doctors, engage in a MedTech hackathon, get feedback from entrepreneurs, and produce your own digital twin model of a real clinical problem. The content highlights digital twin as a robust platform to transfer technical and humanistic skills. The three challenge-based courses will each focus on one of the three phases: conceiving, designing and implementing & operation). Throughout the learning line you will receive peer-feedback and expert coaching on team-building and personal growth. More information can be found here
Introductory workshop CellProfiler
Together with our colleagues at the Imaging Platform of the Broad Institute, we host a half day online open access workshop "Introduction to CellProfiler". This course is meant for everyone who wants to start using CellProfiler software for quantitative image analysis. New dates are announced at our Twitter channel @boerlab, and occur about two times per year.
Bachelor End Projects
At BiS, we provide TU/e students the opportunity to perform their Bachelor End Project in Q4 of every academic year. We provide students ample opportunity to work in the lab in order to culture cells, perform staining, do imaging and do molecular biological techniques. In addition, there is the option to work on data analysis and even enter into machine learning with the data we have already have available in our archives. It is our vision to tailor the project to the student's interest and streamline it with an ongoing research project of one of BiS' PhD students or postdocs.