CellProfiler Workshop by Julia van den Beemd
16 april 2021
Julia van den Beemd, one of our own BiSers, will teach a free online workshop on CellProfiler together with researchers from the Broad Institute at MIT.
CellProfiler is our go-to software for image analysis. This workshop is intended to teach beginners how to improve their image quantification skills. The workshop will be held on June 24, 2021 from 1300 U.T.C. to 1700 U.T.C. You will need a laptop, an internet connection for Zoom and to complete approximately 90 minutes of work before the course.
Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3vJpOuBZBWVc91av_g5j8IhTfxlxoLdd_pUdXrrl-0U2tJg/viewform
Sign up fast because space is limited .
CellProfiler Workshop by Julia van den Beemd
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