JandeBoerlab won the Open Science Use Case Award!
It's our pleasure to announce that jandeboerlab won the USE Case competition at the Open Science Festival Netherlands 2020 #OSF2020NL. By cBIT-the Compendium for Biomaterial Transcriptomics-website.
One of the most outstanding comment from the reviewers is:
"A clear description of an open science use case: written from the OS angle, even though it is just about PID's and standards, it is an inspirational story" and “an interesting use case, focused on bioinformatics data sharing. It would be interesting to have a perspective of lessons learned broadly applicable to other domains as well.”
Due to Covid-19, the award ceremony will be on 2 July 2020, 15.15 - 16.45 PM virtually to share the inspiration offered by this use case with the wider open science community. Open Science festival will be held on February 11th, 2021.
JandeBoerlab won the Open Science Use Case Award!
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