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Phani Sudarsanam defended his PhD

16 July 2024

"Studying foreign body reaction in tissue due to implant failure"

Scientists have revolutionized biomedical implants like pacemakers, eye prostheses, and breast implants by developing tools to modify the properties of materials used to fabricate these devices. However, one of the biggest challenges faced by patients still is implant failure, which can be caused by a foreign body reaction. For his PhD research, Phani Sudarsanam explored strategies to combat this process in glaucoma drainage devices used to treat glaucoma patients.

Read more about Phani's thesis defense by clicking on the following link:

Phani Sudarsanam defended his PhD thesis at the Department of Biomedical Engineering on July 3rd.

csm Sudarsanam Phanikrishna BMT AS PhD 6454 d01d55b321