Welcoming Our New Team Members
Change is a constant in the world of research, and we’re pleased to introduce the latest members of our team.
In August, Doke Pronk-Währer assumed the role of Secretary and Lab Coordinator, taking over from I Fon Bambang. Doke’s experience and organization skills make her a valuable addition to our team.
In September, we welcomed Alana Bogert, a new PhD student whose research will focus on cell-material interactions and the impact of aging on the extracellular matrix. This research holds potential for significant insights in our field. Additionally, Juliette van der Zalm has begun her master’s thesis work, exploring paracrine signaling between macrophages and fibroblasts.
We extend a warm welcome to Doke, Alana, and Juliette. We look forward to their contributions to our research community and wish them success in their endeavors.
Welcoming Our New Team Members
REM Seminar Series in Regenerative Medicine 2024/25
Jan de Boer: Article in 'De Volkskrant Boeken en Wetenschap'
Phani Sudarsanam defended his PhD
Mini Symposium Topochip
Workshop on data-driven approaches in biomaterials engineering
Jan de Boer as guest researcher at Lund University
We are recruiting a Biomedical Data Scientist!
New publication in Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews
Exciting Achievement: Two Students Complete Master's Theses This Week
New Member of the BiS group: Job van Helvoirt