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Doke Pronk-Währer

Doke Pronk-Währer

BiS Members
Doke Pronk-Währer

Doke Pronk-Währer

BiS Members
Doke Pronk-Währer

Doke Pronk-Währer

BiS Members
Doke Pronk-Währer

Doke Pronk-Währer

Secretary and Lab coordinator

Doke Pronk-Währer is secretary and lab coordinator of the BioInterface Science Group.
She is responsible for managing the administrative and organizational workflow of the group as well as keeping various data systems with scientific data up to date.
Doke has obtained her degree as medical technologist at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany. She worked in different laboratories throughout the world: University Hospital Eppendorf-Hamburg, Free University Amsterdam and Children’s Hospital Boston, USA. During her last lab experience she worked at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical school at the Center for Cancer Risk Analysis where she work on mutation analysis of cancer predisposed genes. She is a coauthor of publications in Cell, Nature, Blood and the International Journal of Cancer.
During the corona pandemic Doke has worked at the GGD Brabant Zuidoost, where she has obtained her administrative skills.