Emmie Schoutens received her BSc degree in Biomedical engineering in 2020 from Eindhoven University of Technology, after completing her thesis in the Orthopaedic Biomechanics group under supervision of Bert van Rietbergen. She continued with a double master in both the Mechanics of Materials group of Mechanical Engineering, as well as the BioInterface Siences (BiS) group of Prof. Jan de Boer. Here she focused on researching cellular responses to passive and active mechanical cues on cells, inspired by the role of stents and their strut geometry in in-stent restenosis. Since December 2023, Emmie started at the TU/e as a PhD candidate in the research group of Prof. Jaap den Toonder. Her research now focuses on using the developed Magnetic Artificial Cilia platform in cell mechanobiological applications, in collaboration with Prof. Jan de Boer and the BiS group.