- Ongecategoriseerd
- Publications
- Mining for osteogenic surface topographies: In silico design to in vivo osseo-integration
- cBiT: A transcriptomics database for innovative biomaterial engineering
- Linking the Transcriptional Landscape of Bone Induction to Biomaterial Design Parameters
- An algorithm-based topographical biomaterials library to instruct cell fate
- How Not To Drown in Data: A Guide for Biomaterial Engineers
- Osteoinductive ceramics as a synthetic alternative to autologous bone grafting
- cAMP/PKA pathway activation in human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro results in robust bone formation in vivo
- Materiomics - High throughput screening of biomaterial properties
- News
- REM Seminar Series in Regenerative Medicine 2024/25
- Jan de Boer: Article in 'De Volkskrant Boeken en Wetenschap'
- Phani Sudarsanam defended his PhD
- Mini Symposium Topochip
- Workshop on data-driven approaches in biomaterials engineering
- Jan de Boer as guest researcher at Lund University
- New publication in Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews
- We are recruiting a Biomedical Data Scientist!
- Exciting Achievement: Two Students Complete Master's Theses This Week
- New Member of the BiS group: Job van Helvoirt
- Christmas Potluck 2023
- REM Seminar Series in Regenerative Medicine 2023/24
- Jan de Boer's interview by Smart Biomaterials Consortium
- Emmie Schoutens Master thesis defense
- Welcoming Our New Team Members
- End of year gathering
- New article on the effect of topography on epigenetics accepted in Advanced Science
- R3ME Seminar Series 2022-2023
- New article on dynamic cell adaption to surface geometry
- BiS at Meerkamp 2022
- New review on the Loop Phenotype in Acta Biomaterialia
- Els and Nick's Research in the Spotlight
- BiS on Ice
- Aysegul is the winner of ICMS PhD Paper Award
- Science is Here podcast with Jan and Jorge: “A research expedition like Tintin in South America!”
- Successful second CellProfiler basics workshop
- Joska's Master Defense
- A new member of Biomedical Engineering department council
- TopoCompetition: discover the 3D landscape of your favorite cell on the TopoChip
- A peek into the BiS microfab and imaging labs
- Overnight education in Veldhoven
- Aysegul's PhD defense
- Jan de Boer and collaborators have received a Human Frontier Science Program research grant
- CellProfiler Workshop by Julia van den Beemd
- Introduction to Transcriptomics Analysis by Tim Kuijpers
- Join the BME Hack!
- Follow us on Twitter
- We are recruiting!
- Ayşegül ran for best pitch in FameLab competition at TU/e with a talk "May the force be with your tendons"
- TUe and BiS Welcome I Fon!
- New article out in Scientific Reports!
- Recruitment of case owners, and a responsible teacher with a background in data science for the USE learning line Digital Twins in Healthcare
- The Lustrum Book of Protagoras by our own Joska!
- New article out in Scientific Reports!
- We are recruiting!
- Jesse wins the SensUs2020 biosensor competition!
- We are looking for a Data Manager for the Materials-Driven Regeneration Gravitation Program
- New Paper on Mechanotransduction of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Published in Biomaterials!
- We are looking for a talented PhD candidate to join our team!
- Our PhD student Phani is photographed having a discussion on the importance of gender equality in the workplace
- Just Accepted: A Review Article on Natural Architectures for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- 2020 EMBS Best Chapter Award
- JandeBoerLab publishes first time in Education!
- We are looking for enthusiastic M.Sc. students
- Genetically modified topochips? Recent article on evolutionary design of optimal surface topographies for biomaterials published in Biorxiv!
- JandeBoerlab won the Open Science Use Case Award!
- TUe and BiS Welcome Burcu!
- Immune Modulation by Topographies just accepted in Advanced Science!
- Boosted by Educational Innovation-Applied Cell Biology Bachelor Course at TUe
- Lecture on 'Modernizing glaucoma Surgery: The SEAMS and ISEA projects'
- Lecture on 'Photonic integration in sensing and metrology'
- 2019 NBTE Best Chair Award
- Workshop on Finding the Blind Spot in Medical Implant Safety
- The scientific remake of 'the Princess and the Pea'
- One more application of TopoChip
- Jan lectures on 2019 Nobel prize in Medicine and Physiology
- Dutch Design Week
- The Kick-off Meeting for Therapeutic Biomaterial Discovery Platform
- Platform for Therapeutic Biomaterial Discovery at ICMS-TU/e
- Jan is mentoring at HackMed Event for health challenges...
- 'Life at the cell-material interface' keynote lecture by Jan.
- Dr Harold Raat is giving a seminar as BiS Talks
- BiS BEP Students RIVM Visit, June 2019
- Open PhD position at BiS, TUe
- Open PhD position at MERLN, UM.
- BiS is recruiting...
- Topographies as anti-fouling surfaces...
- BiS is hosting Prof Perter ten Dijke to give a seminar about TGF-beta family receptor signaling in cancer, cardiovascular and bone diseases
- Prof A. Cambi is giving a seminar as BiS Talks
- BiS is in the news of with the latest article related micro-topographies as biomechanical niche for tendon tissue eng
- Bach Le Quang is defending his thesis on 18th December as 18th PhD graduate of Jan de Boer.
- Dr Nathalie Groen will give a seminar in TU/e.
- Jan de Boer's lab moved to Eindhoven University of Technology!
- The ESB oral presentation award goes to Steven Vermeulen!
- Alex Vasilevich defended his thesis!
- New paper published!
- Eelco Fennema defended his thesis!
- Defense date set for Alex Vasilevich
- Nick Beijer defended his thesis!
- Eelco Fennema's thesis approved by assessment committee
- cBiT paper published in Biomaterials
- Two new cBITE members!
- Zwaartekracht grant awarded to MERLN researchers
- ASL prize for Aurélie Carlier
- First poster prize for Pascal Vroemen
- Nick Beijer awarded the annual NVCB oral presentation price
- VENI grant for Aurélie Carlier
- Aurélie Carlier selected to join the Tissue Engineering Young Investigator Council 2016
- Materiomics komt ook in Maastricht van de grond dankzij het Seedfonds van LBD
- Press Release Investments in Materiomics
- Jan de Boer and Pamela Habibovic held their double inaugural lecture and accepted their professorships at Maastricht University
- BiS Members
- Visiting scientists and students
- Inspiration
- Vacancies
- Computational Sciences
- Material Engineering
- Tissue Engineering
- Chapter 21 - Clinical translation
- Chapter 20 - Product and process design: scalable and sustainable tissue-engineered product manufacturing
- Chapter 19 - Tissue engineering of organ systems
- Chapter 18 - Principles of cardiovascular tissue engineering
- Chapter 17 - Tissue engineering of the nervous system
- Chapter 16 - Cartilage and bone regeneration
- Chapter 15 - Skin tissue engineering and keratinocyte stem cell therapy
- Chapter 14 - Strategies to promote vascularization, survival, and functionality of engineered tissues
- Chapter 13 - Bioreactors: enabling technologies for research and manufacturing
- Chapter 12 - Controlled release strategies in tissue engineering
- Chapter 11 - Scaffold design and fabrication
- Chapter 10 - Microfabrication technology in tissue engineering
- Chapter 9 - Biomaterials discovery: experimental and computational approaches
- Chapter 8 - Cell-material interactions
- Chapter 7 - Degradation of biomaterials
- Chapter 6 - Synthetic biomaterials
- Chapter 5 - Extracellular matrix as a bioscaffold for tissue engineering
- Chapter 4 - Cellular signaling
- Chapter 3 - Tissue formation during embryogenesis
- Chapter 2 - Stem cells
- Chapter 1 - An introduction to tissue engineering; the topic and the book