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PhD in Adhesion mediated control of cell physiology

04 mei 2022

We are recruiting a PhD student on a fully funded position for four years, to start in autumn of 2022 in the BiS group under supervision of Prof. Jan de Boer. The topic of research is adhesion mediated control of cell physiology and aims to uncover how cells organize their adhesive machinery in response to biomaterials of different chemistry and topography and how this impacts cell physiology. These questions come from earlier research in which we discovered that certain topographies strongly impact cell metabolism and cell cycle, and that human mesenchymal stem cells retain their multipotency on some surface topographies. We do however not know the molecular mechanism behind these phenomena, hence this project.

The project involves molecular cell biological research in the context of biomaterials engineering, imaging and data mining. We invite candidates with a background in biology, biomedical sciences or biomedical technology with a passion for cells who are not afraid of some data science.

The project is part of the Gravity proposal “Materials Driven Regeneration”, a collaboration between Maastricht University, Utrecht University and Eindhoven University of Technology. The candidate will work closely with other PhD candidates in the consortium, especially in computational and medical context.

More information and/or application letter with c.v. and motivation letter at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.